Thursday, March 17, 2011

Is Your Marriage on the Rocks ?

I guess, blogging would be my hobby for now. I love writing when I'm mad, frustrated, depressed and is problematic. I just don't know why. Maybe because that's when I get to express my feelings well, my frustrations in life and my hatred. My life isn't that perfect not until I met this guy..OMG, it gets worst than I expected. I never had imagined myself experiencing life like this. What a mess my life could have been. Do I have to suffer over and over again.?. Guess, I could do nothing about it, but pray. I am fortunate to have a loving father, mother, sisters, brother, nieces, nephews, cousins, relatives and of course kids.. Good thing I have them. I won't be able to survive this kind of life, without their guidance and support mixed with understanding as well.


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